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Delhi是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/Delhi.html 发布时间:2021-03-25
Delhi是什么意思 Delhi在线翻译 Delhi什么意思 Delhi的意思 Delhi的翻译 Delhi的解释 Delhi的发音 Delhi的同义词 Delhi的反义词 Delhi的例句 Delhi英 [ˈdeli] 美 [ˈdɛli] Delhi 基本解释




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1. 印度首都-德里:行政区概况印度境内有25个邦和7个政府直辖市,印度首都德里(Delhi),是进出印度的第一大门户,从德里可以前往阿格拉(Agra)或北方邦、拉贾斯坦省几个主要城市.

2. 新德里:航程名称 中国国际航空无锡前往新德里夏季促销特价飞机票价格 出发地 亚洲(Asia) - 中国(China) - 无锡(WuXi) 目的地 亚洲(Asia) - 印度(INDIA) - 新德里(Delhi)出发地 亚洲(Asia) - 中国(China) - 无锡(WuXi)目的地 亚洲(As

3. (印度)德里:甘地最具标志性的金属丝眼镜,一个怀表,一双皮革凉鞋和一些其他物品. 本月3日,印度德里(Delhi)高级法院颁布了一项法令,禁止对甘地的私人物品进行拍卖或者出售. (王欲然)

4. delhi:del; 新德里机场

Delhi 双语例句

1. In colonial times, the Coronation Building in old Delhi was one of the city\'s most prestigious hotels.

2. Dinesh Abrol, a scientist at the National Institute for Science, Technology and Development Studies in Delhi, says that university research in India and the United States are vastly different.
印度德里的国立科学技术和发展研究所的科学家Dinesh Abrol说,印度和美国的大学研究非常不同。

3. By Subodh Varma - TNN | NEW DELHI: The tale of massive fraud and embezzlement of millions of dollars by the US military in its operations in Iraq continues.
由subodh瓦尔马-t nn|新德:故事大规模欺诈和挪用公款数百万美元,由美国军方在其在伊拉克的行动仍在继续。

4. For this columnist flying the free, prosperous arc from Tokyo to Delhi means an 18-hour schlepp via Hong Kong and Bangkok.

5. Two months later she was in Delhi, working in a school called Vidya.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. The very famous International Trade Fair and also other international exhibitions are displayed at the Pragati Maidan of the New Delhi.

7. However, experts said that the improvement in Delhi was too sudden to be credible, and was likely to be the result of more families registering daughters to claim the cash benefits, rather than a genuine rise in the numbers of girls being born.

8. Delhi在线翻译

8. Mr Obama is committed to the partnership with India as part of which New Delhi has placed arms-purchase orders worth $3.5bn last year alone.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Its not only US, I was able to get street level details in New Delhi as well.

10. Delhi的近义词

10. New Delhi is the capital of the Republic of India is the national political, economic and cultural center.

11. Now, New Delhi wants to change that.

12. Two bomb blasts i ide India\'s largest mosque in New Delhi have wounded at least 10 people.

13. Delhi

13. Traders from Delhi and Samarkand, wearied by frigid treks through the world`s most daunting mountain ranges, unloaded their pack horses here and sold saffron and lutes along the city`s cramped streets.

14. On the other hand it may stimulate communal frenzy; the presence of 5, 000, 000 Hindu and Sikh refugees from Pakistan (of whom about 400, 000 are in Delhi) has exacerbated public tempers and communal organisations such as the Hindu Mahasabha and Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh have been active in preaching vengeance against Pakistan.

15. I am really worried about the crowded roads of Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkatta and Bangalore can they handle more cars? ?

16. \\u0064\\u0061\\u006E\\u0063\\u0069\\u002E\\u0039\\u0031\\u0031\\u0063\\u0068\\u0061\\u002E\\u0063\\u006F\\u006D

16. Places such as Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkatta, Delhi and Bangalore come top of the charts in commercial property ratings.
地方,如孟买,钦奈,Kolkatta ,德里和班加罗尔来到上方的图表在商业财产评级。

17. But for most people, like 54-year-old Renuka Taimni in New Delhi, the sweltering heat is worsened by the frequent power outages.

18. It is based in Delhi and it a subsidiary of Indian.

19. There are clear and wide street in Delhi.

20. I think of the elegant temples of Kyoto, or the rituals of nomadic life outside Ulaanbaatar, the intricate handwork of traditional craftspeople in Chiang Rai, the vibrant markets of Hanoi, Hong Kong, and Dhaka; the grand hotels of Singapore and Manila, the calligraphers practicing their art in Xi`an, the historic dress of Seoul and the traditional dances of Jakarta, or the strum of the sitar in New Delhi.

Delhi 单语例句Delhi什么意思

1. Air travel between China and India will be made easier with a new direct flight between China\'s economic hub Shanghai and India\'s capital Delhi.

2. McDonald\'s is finalizing plans for a series of advertisements with catchy slogans to be displayed in its 35 outlets in Delhi.

3. The Central Pollution Control Board of Delhi has suggested two explanations for what it calls \" the smoke phenomenon \".

4. They came close to war last year over an attack on India\'s parliament, which New Delhi blamed on Pakistan.

5. New Delhi and Washington are also concerned about Pakistan\'s growing ties with China, which could move them even closer as they assess their next steps.

6. As two big countries with a rising clout in global and regional platforms, how Beijing and New Delhi interact with each other always attracts wide attention.

7. Bush acknowledged that Washington and New Delhi were estranged during the Cold War, when India declared itself a nonaligned nation but tilted toward Moscow.

8. The Delhi High Court ruled that treating consensual gay sex as a crime is a violation of fundamental rights protected by India\'s constitution.

9. New Delhi has also committed itself to strictly complying with obligations stipulated by the Missile Technology Control Regime and the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

10. NEW DELHI - The counting of the presidential election in India began Sunday in the Indian Parliament Upper House without suspension.

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本文链接: http://delhi.immuno-online.com/view-718847.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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